Miss Supranational Jamaica 2019

Kimberly Dawkins is Miss Supranational Jamaica 2019. Before competing, Kimberly completed her studies for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing at the University of Technology, Jamaica.  While in school, she represented her peers as the 1st. Vice President of the Nursing Students’ Association of Jamaica.  She also served her community as a vocal member of the College’s Students’ Union. Growing up, Miss Dawkins suffered many years of physical and mental abuse—a plight all-too-often experienced by young girls around the world.  Each of those years of compounding ill-treatment severely impacted her self-esteem.  However, Kimberly found courage through her religious convictions.  She grew in personal fortitude and inner strength; and now she speaks truth-to-power about her own life-story.

Today, she is on the verge of establishing an amazing mentorship program for women—in collaboration with an organization known as the Jamaica Youth Motivators—(a non-profit that focuses attention on developing young persons through leadership and empowerment activities).  As a result of her resilience, Kimberly exemplifies the dictum that no matter where you are from, and no matter where you are in life, you can achieve your biggest dreams and fulfill your greatest potential.

Kimberly has a deep passion for helping others, by being an outspoken advocate for change—particularly change that helps young women boost their self-esteem and self-confidence.  For her, pageantry is one of the platforms she has found to inspire and foster real change in the young women she serves. In her spare time, Kimberly finds joy in painting (on canvas), hand embroidery and reading inspirational books.

Welcome to the #Suprafamily Kimberly and see you in Poland.